This article will explain the benefits of wearing horse boots as well as their intended application. Boots are not necessary for a horse to move freely in the wild.
However, when a human is carried on a horse’s back, the loads placed on the tendons are different. Additionally, unlike during lunging, horses do not go in circles for an extended period of time in nature. So, is it important for horses to wear boots? It is, indeed! When you work with horses, their bodies must perform extraordinary daily tasks. You should give the horse protection for his legs regardless of the horse’s age, whether it be young, adult, or elderly, and regardless of how you operate with them. This protection needs to be appropriate for the training environment.

There can be different types of equine boots. Most of them are used for the purpose of protecting their legs during the ride or during exercise.
Depending on the purpose , either used in training or during competition:Horse boots for jumping, dressage, western riding and racing are all available.The structure of the boots may differ depending on the purpose; for example, in jumping boots, the structure is meant to prevent mechanical damage, such as when the horse strikes an obstacle’s rod; however, in dressage or western boots, the structure is meant to safeguard the horse’s legs while performing intricate technical figures that put unusual pressure on the tendons. The boots ought to stop injury in both scenarios.
Which boots cover which leg regions for the horse:The bell boots, hock and wrist joint protection, and hoof heel protectors.These boots or guards for the heel of the hoof can help prevent damage if the horse moves incorrectly, which is typically caused by defects in the horse’s build. Sticking, which typically occurs with extreme effort, or when the horse’s back legs step over the front ones could be examples of such an anomaly.If your horse has had an injury, the hock and wrist joints protectors should be used to support the area vulnerable to damage.

Not only during training:Equine footwear options include magnetic horse boots, stable boots, and travel horse boots.Boots are used to increase the effectiveness of a warming ointment, to stimulate regeneration, to avoid lymphatic edema, and to warm the horse’s legs after or in between training sessions.Similar to a tail protection, travel boots for horses minimize mechanical harm while being transported. In addition to reducing discomfort and swelling, magnetic boots also serve to cure horses by raising blood pressure, which speeds up the healing process and gets tendons and muscles ready for work.
As the horse continues to go in a circle, keep in mind that lunging the horse is one of the most difficult exercises. Using boots that would safeguard his tendons is essential for this good health and a smooth ride. Dressage boots or elastic wraps make the greatest protectors for lunging.